25 thoughts on “Green bay Packers Brad Jones tackles 15yr old fan running on field 01/01/2012

  1. I don’t know how you held the camera so steady mystery camera lady, but bravo
    Bravo mystery camera lady

  2. Im a huge Packer fan but if I were McCarthy I would instruct my players not to get involved…They have enough over zealous security for that stuff..

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  4. oh, well your ending to your comment sure made you look like a badass too. If you had played sports when you were 15, you would realize that kid’s body is rubber, there’s no stretcher, and he got up and walked out in cuffs just fine. He ran out on an NFL field, not Disneyland. He had a good idea of what may happen

  5. i think i read somewhere that the kid was a guest of jones at the game either way legend ha

  6. Lick sack u fucking moronic liberal bastard… That kid deserved it.. Kind of like a quick ass kicking, to get the fuck off the field. Or better yet, lets get that kids parents on the field and do that to them. Your a fucking idiot go die in a fire

  7. Yeah it’s fucked up to do, but the kid was showing off, so the player decided to as well lol..

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